Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last hours of 2011

For the last month or so I've been saying that I can't wait for 2011 to be over. As I sit amongst Christmas presents I haven't put away during the last few hours of 2011, I'm reminiscing over the last 365 days.
I rang the new year in with my hubby, mom, brother, German family, & my mom's new fiance'. We shot off fireworks, had great food, lots of alcohol, & we were in Germany. When we came back to the states a couple weeks later, we were stranded in Charlotte for a night & then rented a van to make the last leg of our trip. When we got home, James & I discovered some inconvenient messes & inconsiderations left by our dog/house sitter. I had to a reschedule a job interview. None of these tings were major setbacks, just minor inconveniences & had no reflection on what I thought the year had yet to bring.
In the next few months, I returned to school for my final 3 semesters, I interviewed & started a new position at work. Things were going great. That's really the last thing I "remember". The rest of the year was just kind of a blur. I seemed to be on auto pilot from April through about late October. During that time I finished my masters in nursing, preparing for my boards, had a great time with family & friends. I made lots of new friends through my studies.
When I "woke up" I realized I wasn't making the impact I wanted to in my job. However, I was always getting positive feedback regarding my performance from multiple people. It seemed my expectations were the problem. I also realized that the lack of women's health np jobs bothered me more than I thought it would. While there are some days I might want to leave my job minutes into a chat with someone, I wasn't really ready to run out the door as soon as I finished my degree.
The months between my graduation in August & my wake up in October, I literally slept all the time. You can read my previous blogs to get more information on that part of the last few months.
Someone posted this on facebook, " Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable." I love this. It seems to be the epitomy of what I was not doing this past year. So it will be my motto for 2012. I still need to work on goals for making 2012 awesome, but I know it will be. & please note that I said goals, not resolutions. I think its important to make this distinction because resolutions o er all seem to be all or nothing. Goals, however, are flowing and plans can change to meet those goaks and even to realize the goal may not be necessary for awesomeness.
I have only come up with a couple goals so far:
1. Go out with a friend at least once a month
2. Meet up with my bff Ashley once a month
3. Make more time for my family by spending at least once a month with them
4. Go to the gym at least twice a week
5. Get a massage monthly
6. Make meals at home at least 3 times a week

More goals to come. 2012, now that I know what made 2011 tough, I'm great! 

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